Serious Writer Podcast

3 Best Practices for Getting Things Done for Writers with Lauren Mestitz

September 15, 2024 FFPP Season 2 Episode 7

In this episode, Lauren Mestitz shares how to:

1. Clearly define your goals

2. Develop a personalized plan

3. Regularly reflect, adjust, and review progress

Lauren Mestitz is a seasoned business leader with a proven track record of driving organizational success through strategic vision and effective leadership. With a decade of experience leading corporate teams, a Northwestern University (Kellogg) MBA, and a passion for coaching, Lauren partners with coaching clients to help them define and achieve specific personal and professional goals. Lauren specializes in helping clients struggling with accountability. 

She designs personalized accountability systems with her clients so they consistently reach their objectives, overcoming whatever obstacles arise along the way.

Lauren savors joy every day -  from delighting in walks with her sweet rescue pitbull Calypso; to deep conversations with clients, friends, and family; to silly dance parties in the kitchen with her fiancé Oscar. Her mission is to partner with clients so they can craft their unique, authentic, wholehearted best lives.

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